C.Umashankar IAS.,
Indian Administrative Service (IAS) – Tamil Nadu Cadre (1990)
Current Position:
of Disciplinary Proceedings
lecturer for Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore on
e-governance training program for senior officers of Government of India and
Reinventing government – Post Graduate Diploma program.
B.Com., (1984)
Additional Qualification:
years of public administration – as Indian Administrative Service Officer.
Week, a popular weekly magazine in India chose
me the man of the next millennium from among the Civil Servants
in India in the year 2000.
and implementing multiple e-governance ERPs at field level and State
headquarters with effect from February
1999 onwards.
and implementing commercial ERPs for Universities and manufacturing companies.
in designing and implementing linux / Open Source Software (OSS) powered
application software in Government.
in heading a 40 member software development team that developed web based
application software for government using Linux/open source software tools.
Date of Birth:
Native : Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India
Languages known:
English, Tamil and Hindi.
Contact address:
Balakrishnan Road,
D1, 3rd Floor,
Nagar, Chennai 41.
Mob.No: 91-94443 00123
l To
make India a corrupt free nation, using among other things innovative and
outcome oriented Information Technology / e-governance tools.
l To
see India a discrimination and poverty free nation.
l To
popularise the use of free and open source software and thus reduce the cost of
implementation of information technology solutions in Government and private
- Acting as change agent in a typical Government set up and help the bureaucratic minded employees realise their potential, using simple motivation strategy.
- Acting as change agent to bring in new concepts in Government such as Linux operating system for desktop use and Open source software (OSS) powered application software.
- Designing a variety of ERP applications with financial accounting linkage for government use, especially in areas of land administration, civil supplies - family card and fair price shop administration, rural development administration, local body administration, social welfare scheme administration such as National Old Age Pension scheme, office establishment including pay roll processing, Road Transport licence administration etc.
- Leading of a team of over 40 software engineers in the development of e-governance and core commercial ERP applications. Ability to handle over 15 e-governance projects (development and implementation) simultaneously.
- Configuring a strategy for successful implementation of complicated e-governance and commercial IT projects within a limited time frame.
- Motivating the first time computer users in Government and private sector to accept the manual register free e-governance/IT system.
- Specialisation in e-security to ensure not only security of the database operations but also to achieve user acceptance in typical government activities.
- Specialisation in disaster recovery (received Government of India award).
- Specialised in open source software (Ubuntu/RH/SUSE Enterprise Linux) based application design and implementation. Special skill in open source databases such as Postgres and Mysql.
- J2EE application software design skill set.
- Skill set in multiple databases such as Postgres, mysql, Oracle and DB2.
- Apache Tomcat/Jboss/Jasper report – under Linux environment.
Administrative experience
(in the Indian Administrative Service)
Aug, 1992-Jan, 1994 - Sub
Collector, Mayiladuthurai, Nagapattinam Dist.
Feb, 1994 to June, 1994 -
Sub Collector, Cheyyar - Thiruvannamalai Dist.
July, 1994 to Jan, 1995 -
Additional Collector, Revenue, Tiruchirapalli District.
Feb, 1995 to Oct, 1995 -
Additional Collector, Development, Madurai & Chief, DRDA ERP development.
Nov, 1995 to Feb, 1996 -
Additional Director, South Asian Federation Games (SAF), Chennai.
Feb, 1996 to June, 1996 -
Joint Commissioner, Land Revenue, Chennai-5.
June, 1996 to
22-10-97 - Joint Vigilance Commissioner,
Vigilance Commission, Secretariat,
22-10-97 –Feb 1999 - Joint Chief Electoral Officer
(Computerisation) – in charge of computerisation of electoral rolls and setting
up of Wide Area Network (WAN) in TamilNadu.
Feb 1999 – June 2001 –
District Collector , Tiruvarur & Head, District Welfare Committee -
Software development wing. The District Welfare Committee developed ERPs for
Revenue office administration, DRDA administration, Block office
administration, local body administration and Police Station administration. I
headed the team in the design, validation and implementation of the
e-governance applications. The district had been rated as 20 years ahead by the
Times of India during 2001.
10. Aug
2001 to 25th May 2006 – Commissioner for Disciplinary Proceedings, Salem.
11. 26th
May 2006 to 5th August 2008 - Managing Director, Electronic
Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (ELCOT) -
12. 6th
August 2008 to 3rd August 2008 – Managing Director, Tamil Nadu
Industrial Investment Corporation Limited (TIIC).
13. 3rd
November 2008 to 29th January 2009 – Managing Director, Arasu Cable
TV Corporation ( Fully owned undertaking of Government of Tamil Nadu)
14. 29th
January 2009 onwards – Commissioner of Small Savings, Chennai.
15. 03/09/2010
to 11/09/2011 - Managing Director - T.N. Small Industries Corpn (TANSI)
16. 11/09/2011
to 26/12/2011 – Commissioner - Urban Land Ceiling & Urban Land Tax
17. 26/12/2011
onwards - Commissioner -
Disciplinary Proceedings, Chennai
Banking and Financial
accounting experience:
in three different nationalised banks in India before joining the IAS.
details are as follows:
- 1985-86 - Central Bank of India (Tamil Nadu- Tirunelveli District, India).
- 1986-87 - Canara Bank (Karnataka, India) - Probationary Officer
- 1987-90 - State Bank of India (Madhya Pradesh, India) -
Experience in e-governance
and Information Technology
The following ERPs /
e-governance software packages were designed by me and developed by a team of
Programmers under my supervision:
v Development
and implementation of web based application software for running the family
card system online (January – May 2008). This software as well as database is
fully powered by Open source software tools.
v Development
of web based application software for automating the operations of commercial
Taxes department (dealer VAT registration, online filing of VAT file returns
and online financial accounts)
v Anywhere
property registration software (web based) including financial accounting
relating to property registration process.
v Web
based Old Age Pension Administration software (under pilot implementation in
Chennai district) – March 2008.
for Taluk office administration where land records, land revenue and financial
accounting, issue of various certificates, social welfare schemes such as
National Old Age Pension scheme, Distress Relief Scheme and Accident Relief
Scheme, Patta Pass Book scheme etc. (VB6/DB2) – design, validation and
implementation (1999-2000)
for District Rural Development Agency
with linkage to its constituent offices. (VB6/DB2) – All centrally sponsored
rural development schemes and State sponsored schemes - design, validation and
implementation. (2000)
v Design,
validation and implementation of Block Automation Software with linkage to DRDA
server. All Centrally sponsored rural
development schemes, State sponsored schemes, Noon mean scheme, HRD admin and
Panchayat monitoring Software (2000)
v Regional
Transport Office (RTO)- public interface software in Tiruvarur Collectorate (1999).
This software successfully manages the receipt of application for all classes
of licences (learner and well as permanent driving licences), registration of
vehicles etc. PPP model.
v Core
banking software for Agriculture co-operative banks. (VB6/DB2) – 1999-2000
for Local body automation (Town Panchayat).This includes HRD, Financial
accounting, purchase and stores, automated tax computation and online grievance handling. (VB6/DB2) –
software for Government offices titled OFFICE MANAGER. (J2EE/Postgresql 8.0 for
Linux; VB6/DB2) – 1999
for Police Station administration.
(VB6/DB2) – 2000
v Design
and implementation of Optical Mark Reader based computerisation of Fair Price
shops at Tiruvarur. (Successfully implemented in 55 Fair Price shops) -
(VB6/DB2) – 1999-2000
v Design
and validation of Paperless office cum document management solution for
Government and large private organisations. (J2EE/Postgresql 7.4 for Linux) –
2000, 2003.
v Design
for GIS based application for capturing Field Measurement Books (maps) of
villages. (SICAD-OPEN – GIS software / DB2) – Implementation in Kodavasal Taluk
of Tiruvarur district. 1997, 1999-2000.
v Design
and validation of HR management solution with budget and financial accounting
linkage for Orissa Government titled PROSPER (PROcess based PERsonnel
automation System), using open source technology (linux/postgresql). - 2004
Tools / Equipments
Low cost ATM powered by
Linux OS (2007)
of a hand held device to work as GPRS enabled hand held device to handle the
entire functionality of a typical fair price shop with linkage to the Server.
This equipment has full scale interface with Linux server. Under implementation
in 55 Kerosene bunks across Tamil Nadu and work is on to replicate it in 28000+
fair price shops. The cost of each hand held device is Rs.5750. This has done
away with the need for a computer at the shop level, need for a printer, UPS
and the need for training the fair price shop officials in the use of
computers. It requires less than 2 hours to train the officials in the use of
the billing machine.
Experience in Wireless
Implemented 802.11b wireless networking connecting all
Taluk offices, Block offices and Revenue Divisional offices with
Collectorate in Tiruvarur district
14 Wireless towers/20 offices/3 base stations and 11
access devices.
Implementation of wireless LAN to connect all the field
level offices of Tamil Nadu using Wireless Mesh Technology. This is an
extension of Tamil Nadu State Wide Area Network (TN-SWAN) project. (Under
Configured wireless mesh architecture based last mile
connectivity to extend Tamil Nadu State wide Area network during the tenure in
Experience in Data Centre
India's first Linux powered IBM Mainframe server data
centre was configured and commissioned by me when I served in ELCOT (April
2008). Two enterprise class IBM Mainframe servers powered by Suse Linux OS are
operational in ELCOT's data centre from April 2008 onwards. This data centre is meant to support the
Government in automating its operations. Currently it hosts the civil supplies
department e-governance system online among other software packages.
Accomplishments so far:
first e-district was conceived and implemented in Tiruvarur when I served as
District Collector there during 1999-2001.
district was rated 20 years ahead of
rest of India by a leading newspaper “Times of India”.
achieved over 85% paperless automation level in all its seven Taluk offices
during that time and it continues to
maintain the lead over rest of India.
Manually written registers in conventional Taluk services have been done
away with. In their place system generated registers are being used. The
transition commenced on May 16th 1999 when the National OAP (Old Age
Pension) software was formally commissioned by the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu
Mr.M.Karunanidhi. The process reached full circle with the commissioning of
annual audit of village accounts – Jamabanthi software during February 2000.
Taluk offices use an ERP specifically designed to cater to their requirement.
The ERP titled, Taluk Automation Software has modules for HRD,
Land record administration, National Old Age Pension scheme, Distress and
Accident Relief Scheme administration, Agricultural Labourers’ insurance
scheme, Community certificate issue, income and solvency certificate issue,
birth and death registration and issue of certificates etc.
packages were developed with bilingual data entry interface.
district uses the award winning disaster recovery tool named SUPERCOP. The
Government of India gave away merit citation award during November 2003 for the
write up on the disaster recovery software used in Tiruvarur district.
the rural development scenario, Tiruvarur piloted India in automating all the
activities of the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) which is the nodal
agency for rural development at the district level. The DRDAs were inter linked
to all the 10 Block offices spread over the district which are its direct executing agencies. The ERP
titled Valarum Ooragam (Rural
Development) has scheme (project) handling, Finance, HRD, technical estimate
preparation and social welfare scheme automation modules. There is hardly any
other matter that had been left out from the Rural Development ERP. This was
accompanied by a comprehensive ERP for handling projects, financial accounting,
noon meal scheme, HRD admin, social welfare schemes such as marriage assistance
scheme, etc.
innovative hand held solution for automating fair price shop administration:
innovative solution designed and implemented by me using Open Source Software
technology in Tamil Nadu to automate the fair price shop operations is the
first successful effort in India.
Automation of the fair price shops, otherwise is not possible. With a low cost
– all in one solution, a solution had at last been reached to the vexatious
pilferages and corruption in fair price shop administration.
Technical competence:
J2EE/Netbeans/Jobss/Postgres/mysql/Jasper report/Mainframe server powered
by linux
Founder member and one of the moderators of India e-gov group
on Yahoo.
egovINDIA group had been formed by experts in the field of e-governance to
discuss, share and promote e-governance in India.
Source Software (OSS) Initiative in ELCOT: (May 2006 to July 2008)
is one of the prosperous Public Sector Companies in India. It is a fully owned Government of Tamil Nadu
undertaking. ELCOT handles the entire IT activities of Government of Tamil
Nadu. ELCOT also owns 9 IT Specific
Special Economic Zones across the State of Tamil Nadu. ELCOT has migrated to OSS with effect from
May 2006 under the leadership of C.Umashankar. Within a period of 12 months,
the entire operations of ELCOT were migrated to Linux Operating System. A full fledged software development centre
was set up powered by OSS. The Software Development Centre is being headed by
the MD himself. The success story of
ELCOT's migration to OSS has been published through a Corporate Video which
makes it a unique experiment in India. ( ELCOT also started spreading the OSS
technology to other wings of the Government.
Currently, ELCOT supplies Desktop Systems and Servers only with OSS
based systems such as Suse Linux and Ubuntu.
Over 50000 Desktop Systems were supplied to Government, including
schools, powered by linux. 12,500
Panchayats have already been supplied with Desktop Systems with Suse Linux and
Redhat Operating Systems. I.A.S.
Officers in Tamil Nadu Cadre have been trained in the use of Suse Linux through
an orientation programme on 05.07.2007. As
a result, the entire State Government Departments have started looking at OSS
an attractive and better desktop operating system.
set up 30 computer training centres for the exclusive use of Government
employees to teach them Linux operating system and Open office suite. This was
done during my stay at ELCOT. These training centres are located in the
District Collectorate of each district and at Nandanam in Chennai. These
centres are powered by 1200 Linuc laptop computers. No other State in India has
done such an exercise. This is a futuristic step because Gartner has predicated
the end of Microsoft Operating System by 2017.
A leading IT magazine CIO published a
cover story on ELCOT's successful OSS experiment in its Indian edition (December
2007) and US edition (February 2008)
accomplishments in ELCOT
- Implementation of Tamil Nadu State Wide Area Network project covering 708 locations in a record period of 12 months. (September 2007)
- Tamil Nadu is the first Sate to implement the State WAN project using Open source software technology
- Implementation of IBM mainframe server powered data centre (Z9) in Chennai. The two main frame servers are powered by Suse linux (April 2008)
- Discarding CRT monitor systems in Government with effect from 2006 and bringing in LCD technology for all levels, at a cost of 40% below the CRT monitor systems.
- Gave a push to a further green technology – laptop computers in place of desktop computers to save power. 11000 laptop computers are being despatched to 2200 middle schools. High end laptops were made cheaper than desktop computers through a transparent procurement process which enabled the Govt of Tamil Nadu to decide in favour of laptop computers. All these laptops are powered by Linux OS.
- Implementation of 30 new branches for ELCOT, one branch in each district in a record time of 6 months.
- Setting up of 31 state of the art linux software training centres for training the Government officials in Chennai and all the district headquarters (Collectorate) – May-July 2008.
- Development and implementation of web based application software for running the family card system online (January – May 2008). This software as well as database is fully powered by Open source software.
- Development of web based application software for automating the operations of commercial Taxes department (dealer VAT registration, online filing of VAT file returns and online financial accounts)
- Anywhere property registration software (web based) including financial accounting relating to the registration process.
- Web based Old Age Pension Administration software (under pilot implementation in Chennai district) – March 2008.
- Development of an innovative hand held machine for running fair price shops. Under implementation in 55 kerosene bunks in Tamil Nadu. (June 2008). Large scale roll out in 28000+ ration shops planned. Tender rates finalised.
- Development of a linux powered ATM for handling bank requirements. Second proto type ready (July 2008)
- First Indian to appear in cover story of CIO magazine (India and USA) for successfully implementing linux in Government in large scale.
- Demonstrated that Ubuntu linux with ORCA software (free and open source) can change the life of the visually challenged by conducting three free training programmes for the visually challenged teachers of Tamil Nadu. (
- Implemented 9 Information Technology Special Economic Zones in two years in Tamil Nadu for ELCOT. IT parks in tier 2 cities such as Coimbatore, Madurai, Tirunelveli, Salem, Tiruchy and Hosur became a reality during this period (May 2006 to July 2008)
Books published so far:
– the success story of Tiruvarur , the road covered and the road ahead – April
nuts and bolts of e-governance – Oct 2000.
Records Systems revisited: A technical paper on how to capture map details of
lowest village land record maps – Field Measurement Book (FMB) using GIS. Paper
published GIS@Development, October, 2003 issue.
Awards received:
Selected by THE
WEEK, a leading English magazine in India as the Man of the Next Millennium (who has the potential to change the
face of India during the next millennium) from among all the bureaucrats in
India. This selection came on the eve of their Millennium edition during the
year 2000. (scanned image attached)

ESCAP – a wing of the UN
chose Thiru.Umashankar to represent Tiruvarur in an exhibition cum Seminar that
was held in Bangkok to show case Tiruvarur e-governance successes.
The government of India
awarded merit citation award for the paper written on the Disaster recovery
tool used in Tiruvarur. The award was handed over to me on 13th
November 2003 at Chennai by the Deputy
Prime Minister of India.
Press clippings and news
- Government of India – Certificate of recognition on best paper write up – Disasters and Data Protection – the way shown by Tiruvarur – Nov.2003.
- Tiruvarur initiatives – the Contribution of then Collector Mr.C.Umashankar IAS., - NIC server.
- Consultant for UNDP to map the processes of Panchayati Raj department, Orissa.
- Land Records Systems revisited: A technical paper on how to capture map details of lowest village land record maps – Field Measurement Book (FMB) using GIS. Paper published GIS@Development, October, 2003 issue.
- The Hindu dated 15th June 2003: “you could get someone like C. Umashankar, an IAS officer who established Tiruvarur in Tamil Nadu as the first e-district in the country, possibly the first in Asia. His e-governance made procedures simpler for the public and introduced transparency in the administration. Could his background have included electronics? If it didn't, did it matter?”
6. Indian state
goes for open source,39044164,61981452,00.htm
By Aaron
Tan, ZDNet Asia
Friday, January 12, 2007 06:47 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007 06:47 PM
The Indian state of Tamil Nadu is making a
move to adopt open source software, due to concerns over security and the high
cost of Windows systems.
According to C. Umashankar, managing
director of Electronics Corporation of Tamil
Nadu (Elcot), government departments across the state will switch from
Windows desktops to Novell's Suse Linux and OpenOffice from this year. Elcot is
Tamil Nadu's state-owned IT supplier.
It is unfortunate that the Tamil Nadu government has been making a series of harmful initiatives to silence C. Umashankar, a Civil Servant, crusader against corruption and an early advocate of the use of free software in e-governance, not to profess, and propagate his adopted faith in his private capacity. It is an unhealthy move, which goes against the fundamental right to religious freedom, speech and expression, enshrined in the Constitution of India.
ReplyDeleteIn an attempt which adds fuel to the fire, the Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu K Gnanadesikan in his letter even warned him not to indulge in propagating his adopted faith as such activities are unbecoming of a member of the All India Service. It is absolutely illogical, unreasonable and unscientific to terrorize an Indian citizen with disciplinary actions merely because of sharing his faith in his individual capacity, despite his complete respect for India Services (conduct) Rules, 1968 and the All India Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969, which says that: “Every member of the service shall at all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and shall do nothing which is unbecoming of a member of the service.”
Who is the government to stop a person from adopting and propagating a faith in his or her individual capacity? After all, worshiping and propagating Shiva, Ram, Prophet, Jesus or any other personality is the fundamental right of an individual. The service rule has nothing to do with the right to religious freedom as long as he or she does it not in the capacity as a government servant.
It is an authoritarian, dictatorial and undemocratic move to curtail a person’s freedom. The question everybody asks is this: Why can he not practice the religion he wants in his private capacity? The government cannot just blindly issue orders to individuals to keep away from faith. It is a clear violation of fundamental right as a citizen. Any attempt to silence the individual freedom of conscience and religion would be anti-constitutional, anti-democratic and anti-people. The judiciary must intervene immediately to ensure that justice is done to Umashankar.
It is unfortunate that the Tamil Nadu government has been making a series of harmful initiatives to silence C. Umashankar, a Civil Servant, crusader against corruption and an early advocate of the use of free software in e-governance, not to profess, and propagate his adopted faith in his private capacity. It is an unhealthy move, which goes against the fundamental right to religious freedom, speech and expression, enshrined in the Constitution of India.
ReplyDeleteIn an attempt which adds fuel to the fire, the Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu K Gnanadesikan in his letter even warned him not to indulge in propagating his adopted faith as such activities are unbecoming of a member of the All India Service. It is absolutely illogical, unreasonable and unscientific to terrorize an Indian citizen with disciplinary actions merely because of sharing his faith in his individual capacity, despite his complete respect for India Services (conduct) Rules, 1968 and the All India Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969, which says that: “Every member of the service shall at all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and shall do nothing which is unbecoming of a member of the service.”
Who is the government to stop a person from adopting and propagating a faith in his or her individual capacity? After all, worshiping and propagating Shiva, Ram, Prophet, Jesus or any other personality is the fundamental right of an individual. The service rule has nothing to do with the right to religious freedom as long as he or she does it not in the capacity as a government servant.
It is an authoritarian, dictatorial and undemocratic move to curtail a person’s freedom. The question everybody asks is this: Why can he not practice the religion he wants in his private capacity? The government cannot just blindly issue orders to individuals to keep away from faith. It is a clear violation of fundamental right as a citizen. Any attempt to silence the individual freedom of conscience and religion would be anti-constitutional, anti-democratic and anti-people. The judiciary must intervene immediately to ensure that justice is done to Umashankar.
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